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E-platform — Volume 2


In the ever-evolving landscape of technology and industry, the transition from traditional to digital and green manufacturing processes represents a pivotal moment for the industrial sectors. As we embark on this transformative journey, the need for effective training and assessment methodologies becomes paramount. It is within this context that the “Digital Tools and Data for Training and Assessment – Vol II” emerges as a timely and invaluable resource.

This comprehensive e-book delves into the intricacies of methodologies tailored for the unique demands of Micro-learning and webinar training methods. By addressing the specific needs of these contemporary approaches, the book equips industry professionals, educators, and learners with the essential tools to navigate the dynamic challenges of the digital age.

At the heart of this publication lies the vision of the DIGIGREEN project — a project committed to setting the stage for robust support systems that guide industrial sectors through the complex transition towards digital and green manufacturing. As we stand on the precipice of a new era, where sustainability and technological innovation are intertwined, the DIGIGREEN project serves as a beacon of guidance, offering solutions to align industries with the principles of environmental responsibility and efficiency.

The chapters within this volume are a testament to the dedication and expertise of the contributors, who share their insights, methodologies, and practical applications. From the foundations of assessment customized for Micro-learning to the nuances of webinar training methods, each section contributes to the overarching goal of facilitating a seamless transition for industries eager to embrace the digital and green future.

As we explore the contents of this e-book, let us be inspired by the shared commitment to excellence and progress. May the knowledge contained within these pages serve as a catalyst for positive change, empowering industries to thrive in the digital era while minimizing their ecological footprint.

We extend our sincere appreciation to the authors, editors, and contributors for their invaluable contributions to this seminal work. May “Digital Tools and Data for Training and Assessment – Vol II” serve as a guiding light for all those embarking on the transformative journey toward digital and green manufacturing.